![]() 01/23/2019 at 18:52 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 01/23/2019 at 18:55 |
cannot unsee
![]() 01/23/2019 at 19:01 |
Also a propensity to wear marketing on their head.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 19:18 |
![]() 01/23/2019 at 19:25 |
If that douche grinning MAGA lover was my kid , I’d go full Adrian Peterson on his ass. Smug little fuck infuriates me on every level possible.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 19:28 |
You mean the st uck up and daddy bought them everything look. Yep
![]() 01/23/2019 at 19:32 |
I was doing a bit more research on to what actually happened and it seemed to me that he wasn’t smirking at the guy drumming but at the other group yelling pretty horrible stuff to their group. Not agreeing with his group or march but that just not right for a group of grown ass men to be yelling stuff like that at a bunch of 15 year old kids.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 21:02 |
![]() 01/24/2019 at 10:34 |
Respect and civility have gone out the window the last few years, as parents we need to guide our kids appropriately . Hard to fathom that it’s necessary, but we have to use the POTUS as an example of what NOT to be.
![]() 01/24/2019 at 12:05 |
Next post: Respect, civility and guiding our kids.
Do you see ANY problem here?
![]() 01/24/2019 at 15:55 |
Nope, if they were parented properly (and listened) they wouldn’t need an ass whippin’. Since smug boy l acks basic manners, respect, and empathy, he gets what coming to him.
![]() 01/24/2019 at 16:48 |
So... A smirk and a preconception of racism (because CNN said so) is enough to condemn this boy? Have you viewed this story objectively from both sides or are you just flying by the seat of your blind hated? Or should we just admit that we should execute people based on a set of beliefs and values we disagree with? Perhaps people who wear a particular hat?
![]() 01/25/2019 at 11:55 |
You have no idea whether I’m male, female, or identify otherwise. You also don’t know what my religious beliefs may be, or if I subscribe to traditional religious doctrine at all . Also, you have no idea my nationality or race; in short you know nothing. To be generous I’m going with ignorance rather than stupidity, you’re welcome.
It is not racist to believe you should rais e your children to be respectful, and it’s also quite acceptable for kids to know there are real repercussions to their actions. In a world of participation trophies I suppose this sort of rational th ought is considered narrow minded.
![]() 01/25/2019 at 12:31 |
Bigotry and narrow-mindedness can affect anyone regardless of genitalia , identity, melanin content or religious beliefs. I don’t know why any of that is relevant or why I should view you as anything other than another human being with intrinsic value. Ad hominem attacks against my intelligence or education level are easily dismissed as ignorant and guided by hatred.
Not once did I call you racist, I merely drew a parallel between your blind hatred towards anyone who wears a red hat and the holocaust . Near as I can tell from the stories that continue trickling out is this boy was guilty of wearing a hat and standing on the sidewalk. To a veteran, the act of stolen valor portrayed in the media by the man accosting the hat wearer sure casts a shadow over his integrity. To a person who lives in Portland, the coverage of this heated yet non-violent event is a major nuisance because actual violence occurs at protests here constantly while the mayor tells the police to stand down and considers stripping them of their weapons.
But, none of this matters. I have a moderate political viewpoint and I don’t buy into the hatred and fear mongering coming from either side. I rolled my eyes just as hard for the Obama
birther bullshit as I do for the Russian collusion narrative.
Thus, I will be labeled as a racist, sexist, bigot homophobe.
![]() 01/25/2019 at 12:38 |
Do you feel that choices you make in your life should carry consequences? I certainly do. Oh, I lived in Portland for five years, I call Seattle my home now if that matters . I’m not bigoted nor am I political in any way, I adhere to a set of values that benefit society as a wh ole and pass long these viewpoints to my kids.
The kids attending a rally to suppress the rights of women to make personal choices while proudly wearing their MAGA gear is more than enough, throw in a heap of disrespect into the mix and I’m well & truly pissed.
![]() 01/25/2019 at 13:07 |
They’re Catholic school students. The Catholic church condemns abortion. Trump has supported this viewpoint. It’s a deeply-held religious belief based on the value of human life, not the oppression of women. Depending on polling data, 57-69% of Americans still do not support the overturning of Roe v. Wade, so I don’t see how their voicing of their opinions in a public space is a threat to anyone. Other than reading into the boy’s smirk, where was the disrespect? You believe your values benefit society as a whole, they believe their values benefit society as a whole. Who decides which one is correct? How many times have people thought they were benefiting society throughout human history only to end up on the wrong side of history with the perfect vision of hindsight? Everyone has their religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Scientology, atheism, Ford, Toyota, Subaru, public schools or private schools, it’s all based on beliefs one way or another and opposing viewpoints are easier to vilify than to examine objectively, lest we damage our own deeply-held beliefs . Our understanding of the universe evolves over tim e, but human nature ne ver changes.
Do you not see any irony in proclaiming that decisions made in life should carry consequences, yet being pro-abortion?
![]() 01/25/2019 at 15:42 |
Not one bit. If a woman weighs the consequences and makes a decision that on balance is the best choice for her, I don’t see any irony in that. I have two daughters, I certainly expect they have the last word on their health choices.
Back to the topic at hand: the gentleman that was being stared down (and in view disrespected) was a) an older man b) an American Indian (if anythi ng deserving of an apology) and c) served in the military. The teenager with a smirk needs it wiped off his face.
![]() 01/25/2019 at 17:41 |
My point is that a woman AND a man have a lot of consequences to weigh and decisions to make well before the decision of what to do with a fetus. Is the question “when does the fetus become a human” or is it now “in which step of a decision making process do decisions have repercussions”?
What, specifically, has this teenager done to deserve physical violence besides wearing the evil red hat?
As for Mr. Phillips, his age and ethnicity are of little consequence, but since you brought up his military service does he owe an apology to veterans? He served one enlistment, left at the same rank he signed on with, went AWOL 3 times, never went overseas and lied about his job as a refrigeration mechanic stating to the media that he was a ”Recon Ranger”. That seems more egregious than wearing a hat and smirking.